RYA Day Skipper MOTOR

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Day Skipper Motor

What will you learn during your course? To be safely autonomous on board

Our RYA Day Skipper Motor course is a practical course, which takes place on board our Motor vessel. The days on board will include practice sessions with little time for theory in deep notions.
On navigation exercises large consideration will be given to Electronic navigation, including first notions on the use of radar as a navigational aid.

Where? In Tuscany: nice, warm and shelthered

Our course’s location is the suggestive area of Argentario Archipelago, in Tuscany. Roughly 2 small hours ride, North of the International Airport of Fiumicino ROME. Porto Santo Stefano and the Argentario area in general offers a nice and sheltered sea area and extremely safe learning environment. This allows for a learning session of high quality during our Course RYA Day Skipper Motor. We normally start the course in the morning and suggest an arrival on the day prior to the course. Accommodation is not provided on board. Whilst food is provided on board and included in the price of the course. Candidates normally prefer to spent the overnight ashore comfortably welcomed by private accommodations or hotels available on site.

Who will teach you? RYA qualified Instructors

Our courses are hold by certified instructors and take place every months. Our Course RYA Day Skipper motor can represent the basis for your Yachtmaster coastal/offshore approach should you not have sufficient sea time, experience or practice as a skipper. Subjects and a broader presentation of the course is well shown on the RYA Web site where you can learn and select the best course for you.

Are you a Professional? than apply for Commercial Use of the certificate

You may decide to endorse commercailly the certificate for Day Charter Skipper. If so, you need a GMDSS SRC and a Professional Practices and Resposibilities course. You will also need STCW Basic Training and a ENG1 or its equivalent from other countries. There is a doctor available in Rome.

We can drive your skills from competent crew up to day skipper, Yachtmaster Coastal, Yachtmaster Offshore, Yachtmaster Ocean, Master 200gt and Master 500gt. Our training centre is highly qualified in training Skippers, Masters on private yachts, and Masters on commercial Yachts.

Red Ensign group Flags and Uk flags which accept the Days skipper as valid to be a professional skipper. In addition, Malta Flag, Poland Flag, San Marino Flag, Slovenian Flag accept RYA certifications to be professionally on board.

Il corso di RYA Day Skipper Motor permette di raggiungere l’autonomia desiderata per la presa di comando in situazioni metereologiche favorevoli e in acque familiari. Si svolge a bordo e forma alla pratica della conduzione di imbarcazioni. É pensato per chi abbia conseguito la patente o sia ad un livello equivalente e desideri fare il primo passo verso una autonoma gestione della barca e dell’equipaggio in sicurezza. La consapevolezza dei pericoli e dei rischi e la capacità di affrontarli e prevenirli é parte del corso.

Durante il corso RYA Day Skipper Motor sono esplorate situazioni diverse, si assume il comando e la presa di controllo e vengono esplorati i propri limiti in sicurezza. Il corso si svolge a partire dall’Argentario con istruttori qualificati RYA.

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